Saturday, June 4, 2011

OK Wild and Crazy Kids Here We Go...

Ok so, Im mainly doing this blog with the hopes that if I ever blackout at any point in this whole experience I'll be able to remember it here... on this blogspot blog. boom. Well here I am, in an airport waiting..again.. for the second time this week, but this time I am legit ready to run up tot he service attendant and yell "GET ME ON THE NEXT FLIGHT TO VEGAS ASAP!". I mean it's not like they aren't trying, unfortunately we are in Long Beach, which is only 4 cubicles put together to pretend that they have a legit place for people to hang out. It's all good though! I'm only an hourish away from starting the most epic summer of my 21 years of life so far. I've started a game with myself to see who is going to be getting on the Vegas flight with me. There are definitely some characters hanging out around particular favorite, the man sitting across from me with laryngitis and a soul patch...hope we're seat mates!